Supported by
The Race Off Road Scholarship Program
The Race Off Road Scholarship aims to help talented young athletes achieve success in off road multisport events. Each year, Race Off Road will select a couple of athletes who demonstrate potential to compete at elite level in XTERRA and off-road multisport events and provide them with training support and racing opportunities. The Scholarship is supported by XTERRA and Williams of London.
After a successful first year of the Scholarship with Team Lewis in 2022, we are excited to continue the scholarship into 2023, expanding to support 4 athletes at XTERRA races in the UK and Europe. We are really pleased to continue supporting Lewis Williams, alongside three new athletes, Mia Padmanabhan, Sam Gurling and Jamie Pugh (more on them below). 2022 Scholarship athlete Lewis Dickson makes the exciting move to live and work in Canada. He will always be part of the Race Off Road team and we will see him in action at XTERRA Whistler!
Apply for the Scholarship
Applications for 2023 have now closed. Click here for details of how to apply for 2024.
Our 2023 Scholarship Athletes
Lewis Williams
Lewis continues with the scholarship following a successful year of racing in 2023 progressing up into the elite XTERRA rankings following great results at the Xterra European championships in the Czech republic and XTERRA Germany. Now a qualified physiotherapist, Lewis will be balancing working life and training to build on his 2022 racing success, looking to compete at the XTERRA world championships in Molveno.
MIA Padmanabhan
Mia is the reigning Scottish Cross Triathlon Champion! She is a second year medical student at Glasgow University where she currently trains with the triathlon club. Already a successful athlete, we’ll be guiding Mia as she journey’s more into the world of XTERRA racing.
Sam Gurling
Sam is a medical student at Glasgow University. Growing up in South West Scotland he is no stranger to all things outdoors. Sam is fairly new to off road triathlon but demonstrates great potential to excel in XTERRA racing, we look forward to helping him explore this.
Maisie Aubrey
Maisie is studying Psychology at the Univeristy of Stirling where she trains with Sottish Triathlons High Performance Squad. Already an elite triathlete, she is excited to take her racing experience off road.